Reading Luke-Acts in the Pentecostal Tradition Review

Reading Luke-Acts in the Pentecostal Tradition
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Reading Luke-Acts in the Pentecostal Tradition ReviewFollowing scholarship in the fields of Biblical Theology and Interpretation can be quite a daunting task to say the least, and a veritable labyrinth or bitter rivalry at its worst,but here is scholar quite unlike any other. Having grown from Pentecostal and Mennonite traditions into a category quite his own, Martin Mittelstadt (MM from this point) presents an honest analysis of the interpretation of Luke-Ats in the Pentecostal tradition. Viewing also non-Pentecostal sources, and taking care also to include critques and criticisms from mainstream scholarship, MM shows the growth of scholars in the fields and their impact upon it. This work also provides a condensed history of the Pentecostal tradition, important to those who would otherwise be unaware of its origins. Thoughtful and well researched, MM writes in a style that provides masterfully concise clarity and yet holds one's attention as well as a NY Times best seller. Recommend for anyone as learning aid for Luke-Acts related study, biblical interpretation, or Pentecostal history. I'm looking forward to later monologues from Dr. Mittelstadt.Reading Luke-Acts in the Pentecostal Tradition OverviewIn this first study of its kind, noted Pentecostal Lucan scholar Martin Mittelstadt has undertaken an extensive examination of Pentecostal scholarship with an eye toward assessing the influence of Luke-Acts upon it. Beginning with Azusa Street and continuing to the present Mittelstadt: 1) traces the emergence of Pentecostal scholarship in the academic marketplace with the various responses to the catalytic work of James D.G. Dunn, 2) examines the influence of Luke-Acts on narrative theology, missiology, healing and exorcism, the role of women, spiritual formation, and Oneness theology, and 3) identifies Pentecostal contributions in the area of social ethics, peace-making, suffering and persecution, ecumenism, globalization, and post-modernity. The work concludes with observations on possibilities for future engagement and an extensive bibliography.

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