We'Moon Calander 2001: Gaia Rhythms for Womyn Magic Review

We'Moon Calander 2001: Gaia Rhythms for Womyn Magic
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We'Moon Calander 2001: Gaia Rhythms for Womyn Magic ReviewSome of the information in We'Moon's datebook is helpful, but the arrangement makes me nuts. Guess I am still too operating within the patriarchal culture to be confortable with a calendar that begins on any day but Sunday.
This Monday-as-the-first-day-of-the-week feature has confused me, and caused me to miss no end of appointments.
Also, while it is inclusive to use other languages' names for the days of the week, somehow in my busy life, I get really confused used when what I would to find called ``Monday'' is instead dubbed Po'akahi. The impulse to use other languages is high-minded, but the net effect undercuts my ability to use this calendar in any kind of useful fashion.
Also, I would like a thumb tab for every month. When I open up the book and see that it's the Mittwoch of Juni, and I am trying to find the proper place to write down my dentist appointment, I sometimes find myself screaming with frustration.
And while I am a follower of Earth-based religion, and like seeing our great holidays listed, it doesn't help me much in my planning that the legal holidays are not marked in this datebook. If the book is intended for use in a number of nations, why not include a wide range of legal holidays.
With all that said, the inclusion of the phases of the moon is helpful and makes me feel more in touch with the cycles of nature. And some of the art--particularly the corn goddess on the cover--is very nice.We'Moon Calander 2001: Gaia Rhythms for Womyn Magic Overview

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