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Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine for Women's Health: Bridging the Gap Between Western and Eastern Medicine ReviewAcupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicinefor Womens' Health
by Dr. Kathleen Albertson
Reviewed by Dr. Joseph S. Maresca
This book has many positive benefits for a wide constituency
of readers both young and old. The presentation would be helpful
for both men and women because common body systems and processes
are explored. i.e.
o kidney
o spleen
o liver
o lung
o heart
o pericardium system
o stomach
o small and large intestine
o bladder, gallbladder
o uterus and brain
There is a very extensive section on foods and the related
TCM thermal temperatures. Female infertility, fertility and
menopausal symptoms are explained at length with many
pertinent examples provided. The author provides an extensive
body system checklist so that patients can identify key elements
related to their condition.
More importantly, the presentation contrasts East and West
medicinal systems. The benefits of Chinese medicinal protocols
are as follows:
o The protocols are simpler and naturally based.
o The mind, body and spirit are integrally connected.
o The protocols are aimed at healthier living and not
simply disease ID and management
o The practitioners tend to spend more time with patients
in the analysis of the disease process.
o The protocols have an experiential history of 5,000 years or more.
o 8 patterns of disease are treated in Chinese acupuncture
The author separates the treatment modalities for a number
of chronic diseases; such as, fibromyalgia.
The standard acupuncture treatment utilizes acupuncture
channels, balancing Qi and blood flows, balancing emotional
and physical pain and the integration of treatment with
soothing herbal teas.
A beauty of the book is that major clinical studies are cited.
i.e. The Mayo Clinic Proceedings of 2007 tracked acupuncture
treatment of fibromyalgia in 50 patients and found reduction of
fatigue and anxiety in the subjects evaluated.
The presentation contains an extensive bibliography and
definitions section at the end of the book.
The Alternative Medicine-Definitive Guide by Burton Goldberg
contains 25 citations alone on the benefits of acupuncture
to patients.
The most prominent research citation is:
J. Cheung 's work on the "Effect of Electroacupuncture on Chronic
Medical Conditions in General Medical Practice"
A 4 year study in the American Journal of Chinese Medicine
13: 1985 : (pp. 33-38 )
I recommend this book as an important supplement to a personal
medical library. The contents can help alleviate your pain and
assist the conventional physicians with a more complete diagnostic
history of classical symptoms like stiffness,
pain sensations, bodily stress on major organs and a whole
plethora of issues too numerous to list in a finite book review.
Personally, I believe that a combination of acupuncture and the
services of a licensed physical therapist will provide the most
complete supplement to the services of a personal physician.
Dr. Joseph S. MarescaAcupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine for Women's Health: Bridging the Gap Between Western and Eastern Medicine OverviewEducatesreaders about Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), ( acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine), and how women's health problems are effectively treated holistically versus the typical Western, compartmentalized approach. Acquire a basic understanding of TCM - what it is and how it works - as well as its benefits, risks and potential for treatment.Potential benefits of using TCM decrease the discouragement and futility felt by many women who cope with chronic health problems like menstrual irregularities, infertility, insomnia, pregnancy related issues and menopause. Women do not usually consider TCM as a treatment alternative until after receiving failed Western treatment.TCM can be a primary part ofhealth care. Information and knowledge about TCm is lacking. TCM can help many women overcome and resolve health concerns. TCM's potential for early detection, strengthening of the immune system, reversal of symptoms and prevention of disease unfortunately remains unnoticed.* Broadens understanding of how TCM and western medicine differ in diagnosis and treatment. A holistic versus compartmentalized approach.* Explains how acupuncture systems work in easy-to-understand language.* Outlines gynecological, reproductive, and menopausal disorders more naturally and completely.* Approaches disorders including PMS, painful, heavy, irregular menstruation, PCOS, infertility, and pregnancy-related issues from a TCM perspective.* Shares nutritional, lifestyle factors and tips to help you make better, more informed choices about your health.* Discusses other health issues including insomnia, incontinence, vaginal itching, heart disease, and headaches.* Explains how TCM considers the impact of lifestyle, diet and nutritional choices and discusses these as part of the treatment plan..
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