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Won By One ReviewWon by One is an amazing resource and tool for helping Christians reach the lost. Every believer should get, read and keep this book handy!Fahren JWon By One OverviewOur Heart, Our Passion, Our Mission...Winning Our World For Christ!"Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature," Mark 16:15 As believers, our mission is to reach people for Christ. It is the highest priority and passion of our hearts to make successful Christians of all people. Every ONE, every race, every color, nationality and class is valuable to God. In this book, Pastor Wendy Treat will help you clearly see your role as ONE who makes an eternal difference in the lives you touch...building God's Kingdom one person at a time. Wendy's message is for every Christian to be equipped, ready and able to bring others to Christ. These simple steps for leading any person to a saving knowledge of Christ and the Baptism of the Holy Spirit will encourage you, ignite your passion and equip you to go out and spread God's message of eternal life through Jesus Christ.The Won by One(tm) Campaign is the mission of Christian Faith Center. For more details go to WonByOneCampign.com
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