My Tongue Fell Out Review

My Tongue Fell Out
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My Tongue Fell Out Review"When he called her over,
She stomped with a pout.
He said, `Did you stick your tongue out?'
She said, `No, my tongue fell out.'"
And so go many of the poetic passages in My Tongue Fell Out, the debut collection of poetry by S.L. Chessor. Dedicated to her late father, Billy Allen Jones, Chessor's collection is full of whimsical ruminations on family life, the good & the bad, the happy and the sad. All told, Chessor does a delightful job of laying bare her personal recollection of a life altogether sweet in humble retrospect.
Consider this passage from "'Yellow' Snow":
"He looked in all of the windows
And didn't see a soul.
So he climbed up on the hill,
Then he made `yellow' snow.
His dad looked out of the window
And he saw what his son did.
Then he said out loud,
`What do I do with this kid?'"
And this moving recollection from "Watching `Horror Shows' With Mom":
"I have many happy memories
But this is number one.
The best times of my life
Were watching `horror shows' with Mom."
Much like Stevie Wonder's "I Wish" before her, Chessor's fond recollection of such treasured memories makes you long for the long-gone innocence of your own youthful days.
Undeniably, Chessor also delves into the world of love and does an impressive job of conveying the sentimental feelings we all wish for everyday, highlighted most poignantly by this passage from "First Love, Last Love":
"New soul mates forever,
Never again be undone.
We will grow old together,
Two hearts beat as one.
You are my first love,
You are my last.
Souls bound forever,
We have conquered the past."
Almost makes you want to pick up the phone and get back in good with your ex...right?
Of course, true reminiscence wouldn't be complete without faint twinges of regret from time to time, and Chessor tugs at the heart strings just so in "Christmas With Jesus":
"News had come, I did not expect.
My aunt that I deeply loved,
On Christmas Eve was put to rest.
My son said, `Mom, you shouldn't cry,
She is in Heaven this year.'
`She's spending Christmas with Jesus
And she is so lucky to be there.'"
In My Tongue Fell Out, S.L. Chessor has done an excellent job of compiling the feelings and emotions that we all experience everyday and presenting them in such a way as to give us pause to reflect on just why our most treasured memories are so treasured. A highly recommended collection, Chessor's musings announce the arrival of a talent from whom much will be anticipated in the years to come.My Tongue Fell Out Overview" My Tongue Fell Out," was written about or inspired by family. My mother was very much the lady of the house. There never was a time that her hair was not in place, or her make up wasn't on. Sometimes I think she slept standing up, because, no one could look that good when they get out of bed in the morning. Dad, my hero, seemed to be serious all the time. He worked hard to provide for his family and said things like they were. I didn't know he had a sense of humor until I was thirty-five. I guess he was worried we wouldn't take him seriously when he told us to do something. My brother Bill, the middle child, is a story by itself, he made me mad most of the time when we were growing up. He was the class clown and to this day can make me laugh like no other person can. My baby brother managed to stay in trouble most of the time. I like to think that I am a good blend of all, but you will be the judge. "My Tongue Fell Out," was inspired by my niece. Children can say the cutest things when they are challenged. "Little Boy at the End of the Driveway, "and "Christmas with Jesus," are just a few of the poems inspired by my own children. My husband inspired "I Wanna Buy a BVD." We should all face facts, there are some family members you talk about and some that you don't, but I think my readers will identify with many of the poems that are in this book. They will touch your life in one way or another. S.L. Chessor lives in small town Indiana with her husband, nieces, and their dog Sassy.

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