Phonetic Data Analysis: An Introduction to Fieldwork and Instrumental Techniques Review

Phonetic Data Analysis: An Introduction to Fieldwork and Instrumental Techniques
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Phonetic Data Analysis: An Introduction to Fieldwork and Instrumental Techniques Reviewreally this book is very good. there are a few places where it is a bit opaque and technical, what he is talking about, but usually it is pretty understandable to a person not very familiar with praat or other speech analysis softwarePhonetic Data Analysis: An Introduction to Fieldwork and Instrumental Techniques OverviewPhonetic Data Analysis examines the procedures involved in describing the sounds of a language and illustrates the basic techniques of experimental phonetics, most of them requiring little more than a tape recorder, a video camera, and a computer.
Examines the procedures involved in describing the sounds of a language and illustrates the basic techniques of experimental phonetics.
Written by Peter Ladefoged, one of the world's leading phoneticians.
Enables readers to work with a speaker in class or go out into the field and make their own discoveries about how the sounds of a language are made.
Provides full descriptions of techniques that are readily available and do not require the resources of a major phonetics laboratory.
Includes enlightening comments throughout about Ladefoged's own fieldwork experiences.

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